
Important - Notice of Intent for 2025-2026

For many years, St Bede’s has scheduled coaches to transport students directly to school, which has been funded by parents and carers. This enabled students to travel from a very wide catchment area to study at St Bede’s Inter-Church School.

As St Bede’s has become oversubscribed, fewer students have been admitted from beyond the city of Cambridge and the number of coaches to St Bede’s has consequently reduced. With fewer students travelling by coach, the cost per journey has increased, compounded by the rise in fuel prices.  

From September 2025, we expect fewer students to use the school coaches and therefore intend to make further changes to existing bus routes to minimise journey costs and will be introducing a hub system where bus stops are likely to service Park and Ride sites predominately. 

Transport Information for Academic Year 2024 - 25

We have managed to maintain 3 routes for this coming academic year.

Bus Timetable - AM - 2023-24

Bus Routes 24 25

The buses leave school in the afternoon at 3.30pm and the route will effectively work in reverse. It is difficult to estimate return times as the traffic is so variable but the length of times between stops should be similar.

School Transport Charge 

The cost of operating the transport system is covered by parent/carer payments. Alongside the increase in the cost of fuel, passenger numbers have decreased once again this year resulting in reducing the number of coaches from 5 to 4.  As this is calculated on a whole school basis, it is not possible to make any reductions for Y11 students given their final day at school is officially some 3 weeks earlier than the rest of the school. Also, strike days are classed as a normal day as the drivers still have to be paid.

Parents / carers will need to commit to the transport system for the whole year.

The transport charge for 2024/25 will be £1770 per year per student. This can be paid as follows:

  • £1770 per annum per student
  • £590 per term per student
  • £210 payable in July 24 followed by 8 monthly instalments of £195.00

The charge is based on 100 passengers so if we have a take up of less the cost may increase but equally if there are more passengers then the cost will decrease.

Payment on Wisepay will now count as an application and will trigger the printing of bus passes which will be issued to students on their first day of term. Bus stops will be allocated according to the closest stop on the list to student addresses, but if you would like an alternative that is also on the list please email:

The above costs are per student. Bus passes are issued on a termly basis if sufficient payment has been received. Bus pass checks are made every half term. Students are required to present their bus pass every morning and evening to the bus driver.

Temporary Bus Passes 2024/25

Temporary bus passes for alternative routes can be issued subject to availability. There will be no further cost for students who have paid to use the Transport System. For students who do not use the Transport System, please use the Wisepay system to pay for a pass and this will be issued ready for collection in Reception.


The preferred method of payment is Wisepay where you can choose to pay Monthly / Termly / Annual

If you prefer to pay by Standing Order please contact for school bank details and payment dates. Please note, however, standing orders need to be set up directly between the customer and the bank. 

Some secondary school children may qualify for help with transport costs under 'Extended Secondary Rights for Low Income Families'. To do so, your child must meet the following criteria:

  • be entitled to free school meals or be from a family receiving the maximum level of Working Families Tax Credit (with no reduction due to income)
  • be attending secondary school at one of their 3 nearest schools between 2 and 6 miles from their home address or their nearest denominational school (on grounds of religion or belief) between 2 and 15 miles from their home address

Please click the following to be taken to the County Council’s website for further information and an application form: Cambridge County Council Support with School Transport

Stagecoach passes will not be able to be used on the school transport system.

Please click below for who to contact regarding school transport in the case of emergency:

Transport System Contact Details

Bus Transport Contract 2023-24